dilluns, de juliol 30, 2007

Ingmar Bergman 1918 - 2007

Hi ha escriptors, directors de cine o filòsofs que em reconforten, esmorteeixen la meva soledat i omplen la meva ànima de l'alegria de viure. Avui ha mort un d'ells, el cineasta i dramaturg suec Ingmar Bergman. El cert és que no he vist o llegit gaires obres seves, però han sigut suficients perquè formi part del meu Olimp particular. Com tantes altres persones del món, avui al vespre he volgut retre-li un homenatge veient una de les seves pel·lícules, i com no podia ser d'una altra manera he escollit "Det Sjunde inseglet" (El setè segell). Deixeu que transcrigui alguns dels diàlegs:

"Death: Now I see something interesting.
Knight: What do you see?
Death: You are mated on the next move, Antonius Block.
Knight: That's true.
Death: Did you enjoy your reprieve?
Knight: Yes, I did.
Death: I'm happy to hear that. Now I'll be leaving you.
When we meet again, you and your companions'
time will be up.
Knight: And you will divulge your secrets.
Death: I have no secrets.
Knight: So you know nothing.
Death: I have nothing to tell."

"Mia: You don't look so happy.
Antonius Block: No.
Mia: Are you tired?
Antonius Block: Yes. I have boring company.
Mia: You mean your squire?
Antonius Block: No, not him.
Mia: Who do you mean, then?
Antonius Block: Myself."

Però per sobre de tot hi ha la joia de viure, els petits moments que omplen de felicitat la nostra existència:

"Antonius Block: I shall remember this moment: the silence, the twilight, the bowl of strawberries, the bowl of milk. Your faces in the evening light. Mikael asleep, Jof with his lyre. I shall try to remember our talk. I shall carry this memory carefully in my hands as if it were a bowl brimful of fresh milk. It will be a sign to me, and a great sufficiency"

Requiescat in Pace.